Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The cafeteria of my new office was under going renovation- that simply meant: almost every day you would notice a lil' bit of change in the cafeteria...

....Once, I went to the cafeteria and headed straight to the REGULAR store...I tried to scout for some (best possible) "HEALTHY" drink....Eventually, I bought "BADAM MILK" (flavored milk - BEST possible option in that store) after much analysis....I was quite proud over my smartness, as I had chosen the best possible and economical health drink in that store...I smugly started sipping it until my eyes CHANCED over a NEW STORE (which was inconspicuous to me until I bought the "MILK" from the "KNOWN" store) in the cafeteria with the LABEL - "FRESH FRUIT JUICE"...Guess what - SUDDENLY, the MILK turned sour !!!

Why does a BETTER deal (FLAVOURED MILK) almost always precedes (and hence PREMPTS) a BEST deal (Fresh Fruit juice) ?

Maybe, that's why they say - "BEST THINGS in life are for free"...So true, but you discover them only AFTER you've paid for a BETTER deal....

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