Monday, April 7, 2008


Picture this scenario (especially for Vodafone) :
....I wake up at 8:17:56 in the morning and see this SMS on my mobile (probably coz my mobile was switched-off while I was sleeping) :
"You have a missed call at 7:45 AM. To get details send SMS to xxxxx"


Mukul muses:
SWEET HEART...Don't you think that's just HALF the INFORMATION?

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Recently, I came across another interesting site:

"Native Intelligence" is a company with the following objective: We offer security and privacy training and awareness courses and complementary products that help make good security behaviors reflex actions for your staff.

The company says that the courses offered are designed to be memorable and motivational. For this they use surprise, unusual images, analogies, examples, real stories, humor, and practical tips...!

Eg: "Security awareness is like the butter in bread, it's better when it is baked in, not just brushed on !!"

The company claims to have "Content" that motivates staff to accept and act on the belief that their behaviors are the most important element in preventing loss.

One of the pages on the web-site reads as: 'We provide up-to-date content. Awareness must be fresh to be effective. A famous Chef once said, "Fish should smell like the ocean. By the time it smells like fish, it's too late." Like fish, security awareness needs to be fresh. We continually update our materials to reflect changes in legal requirements, threats, vulnerabilities, and technology.'

Mukul muses:

- Well, what if the SAME approach is used in colleges and schools in our country?
I guess I HARDLY remember the ENGINEERING concepts that I had learned in my COLLEGE.

How I wish that my TEACHERS were CRAZY...Coz sometimes CRAZINESS can be good...!!!

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