Friday, November 27, 2009


I was going to the office (as usual) when I saw this book on display in a bookstore, on the way: "SCREW IT...LET'S DO IT By Richard Branson"...
What attracted me more was not that the book was written by Richard Branson but the fact that it fell under the "QUICK READS" series of Virgin Books...

Here's what QUICK READS means (as per the definition given on the cover of the book): "Quick Reads books are written to appeal not only to emergent readers but to anyone wanting a QUICK, POWERFUL & FAST-PACED read"

- Certainly an appealing idea in this age of "Information Overload" (thanks mainly to the Internet - pun intended!)...The book's slim size acted as a credible testimony to the aforesaid definition...And definitely, "Brevity is the soul of wit" is 1 maxim which holds more meaning in this age of Internet when there's so much of information to virtually deluge you !!! :-)

Not surprisingly, I bought the book and went my way, smiling, to the office as I was quite confident (and hence kinda satisfied) that this was 1 book that I could certainly finish in just few reading sessions... :-)

P.S => Beg my apologies if you didn't find my article "a QUICK READ"... :-)