Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spirituality ain't Marketing !

As I was going through the “Mind Over Matter” page in Sunday Times Of India, my eyes chanced over the “I AM” section. It’s a section in which the writer talks about his/her perception of spirituality. So this time, Music Director Vishal had penned down this section. He talked a good deal about spirituality in the whole article but UNFORTUNATELY summarizes it all up with this ending line:
“I try to SEEK spirituality through my music...Like that of OM SHANTI OM!”

Did he REALLY need to mention THE film’s name in this article or was it a mere coincidence that the article was printed just FEW days before the movie was released?

It’s HIGH TIME that people actually started juxtaposing (with a clear demarcation) SPIRITUALITY and MARKETING STRATAGEM palpably coz not all readers are FOOLS!

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OF " "s !

Recently, a blog was in news for quite a while. The blogger was bemoaning over the fact that these days the Double Quotes are used SO MUCH that their excessive usage has ACTUALLY debilitated the very efficacy of them. Double QUOTES are, ofcourse, used to ACCENTUATE things.….

In my project (at my company) whenever any one from the BUSINESS OWNER would write any email addressed to us, he/she would use BLOCK LETTERS to stress upon some IMPORTANT point (rather than Double quotes).
Like: “TEAM…You need to reboot the WINTEL servers ONLY after 22:00 PM Singapore Time….Thanks!”

TIP: Use CAPITAL LETTERS to emphasize things!

This would TAKE AWAY a lot of unnecessary burden from the DOUBLE QUOTES!

PS=> NOTICE the minimal use of Double Quotes in this article! And I've still EMPHASIZED things!

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