Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spirituality ain't Marketing !

As I was going through the “Mind Over Matter” page in Sunday Times Of India, my eyes chanced over the “I AM” section. It’s a section in which the writer talks about his/her perception of spirituality. So this time, Music Director Vishal had penned down this section. He talked a good deal about spirituality in the whole article but UNFORTUNATELY summarizes it all up with this ending line:
“I try to SEEK spirituality through my music...Like that of OM SHANTI OM!”

Did he REALLY need to mention THE film’s name in this article or was it a mere coincidence that the article was printed just FEW days before the movie was released?

It’s HIGH TIME that people actually started juxtaposing (with a clear demarcation) SPIRITUALITY and MARKETING STRATAGEM palpably coz not all readers are FOOLS!

( :


Unknown said...

Yes. I agree.

The bad is TOI that spreading suck practice.
Worse is you that repeating the same mistake by advertising these elements and worst is i am commenting on it :)

Subhadip Dutta said...

Because TOI has tried to spew the rabidness of marketing game. I am not moral policing but the way the news had been interspersed with Spirituality left lots to desired of from a prime news paper like The Times of India.

Agreed that ad-GURUs and style mantras dominate every existence of 21st century, but that's not necessary. After all, when will we learn to live our true life away from the cacophony of marketing strategem et all?

I am concluding here with grief that the essense of life is lost in the professional world due to some stupid professionality! :(

Deep (Subhadip)

Meenakshi Janga said...

We all knw that these marketers can never resist the temptation to rhapsodize about their respective fields.It can be really irritating sometimes.
It really sucks!!!