Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Drop by drop i lost my hope
Oh I climbed so high! without a rope
feels so high n more numb
left all alone...maim n dumb
caressing the past… i past my time
tears fills it over the sublime
they talk to me...silent to others
My unspoken tears with me foreva
salty droplets r they for u?
My words my thoughts r for u…
Yet you don read ma eyes filled with tears
With me It'll remain...
My unspoken Tears...

~ By a friend

Here's her blog: http://i-scabbing-me.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Meenakshi Janga said...

"waiting is painful.forgetting is painful too.but not knowin which to do is the worst kind of suffering".....the unspoken tears sometimes creates a huge impact than mere words.....luvly poem :)