Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I found the following joke from the book "Why Men Can Only Do One Thing at a Time and Women Never Stop Talking" by Allan Barbara Pease quite WHACKY:

One day, God calls on Adam & says, "Adam, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I gave you a penis and a brain. The bad news is that I only gave you enough blood to operate one organ at a time."


......Few days back, I found a contraDICtion:

- This 56 year old Australian guy called Tim Patch, who likes to call himself as "Pricasso", is a famous PAINTER...So wats the BIG deal? Well, this guy actually (HOLD ON) uses his PENIS as a Paint Brush...!! The guy even, sometimes, uses his BUMS to add to the effects...

I guess, CREATIVITY procreates infinite POSSIBILITIES....

THANK GOD that MEN can be CREATIVE !!!

What say?

( :


EdwardLHM said...

GREAT.. Pricasso
He could be the next president of
USA if he had been a citizen.I think 'pricasso' has what it takes to make it.Afterall The US presidential election has become a sea "of possibilities" from Mrs Clinton with her staged scenes of violence and dramas and Obama with his very, very White men accent.. [ Come on , what else is next.. Dr DRE speaking in a british accent???]

Unknown said...


Have you heard about girls called Lislie Parrish, Ayn Rand ? go and get her quotes.
It forces us to believe that itellect isn't matter of gender. Its the matter of how somebody uses it.
Say what?

Unknown said...

Anybody knows how to delete a comment ? :)

Took it all wrong that i agreed.
Definitely creativy doesn't have any end and all that starts with is imagination. Even imagining that we are created by some One's imagination amazes the most.
Good one again. certainly tickles to the mind.

but why only MEN? what about the most wonderful creation? WOMEN ? ;)

Subhadip Dutta said...


Is this another way to dispel frustration? I guess none of the above is true. It's just a consequence of my perspective which is pushing my taste-buds of acceptance of such bizzare manner in which he's performing this with PRICASSOIC elegance. DOUBTS, huh! The creator himself better knows.

But no doubts artist's work is guided by his imagination not p****. Even Michael Angelo's hands might have betrayed him if he was wanting in his imagination.

ARTIST's IMAGINATION is above all the beautiful creation of the Almighty.


Meenakshi Janga said...

Ive always known human beings with Y-chromosomes to be mentally deficient.I Guess this one proves me wrong.
LMAO ;;]

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!