Sunday, June 29, 2008

Can you crack this one ???

I came to know about a nice puzzle from one of my friends: "Can GOD really make a stone which He can't lift Himself?"...It's a CATCH-22 situation: If He can than then he's not a God since he can't lift a stone which He Himself created....If He can't then He's not a God since He can't create such a stone !!!

..........A few days back I came across a funny story in TOI which read: A guy in India underwent a sex-change operation at the insistence of his GAY partner...Since his partner had promised him (or "her" - another CATCH-22 ?) that he would marry her after the sex-change operation.....But to the former's shock - the latter didn't marry her after the operation....

This made me come up with another Catch-22 situation:

Can a GAY really love another GAY after the latter goes for sex-change operation?

If yes...then I doubt that the former was really a gay...(Technically speaking!)

If not...then I pose another one: Is such true love (apparently) dependent just on the gender of the other person?.....etc....

( :

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