Monday, August 20, 2007

LIFE !!!

A human is born to complete a cycle of his own

A young child is born on the earth at noon .

He opens his eyes and cries over his existence ,

or he is so happy to face the suspense ?

A situation waiting for him to grow old ,

to weaken a person even though bold .

Through this stage the parents will be there for the child's support

and make sure that they turn his tears to laughter and also maintain a report

of his needs that can be or cannot be fulfilled .

Now you will see the life change colours gradually ,

Once a small innocent person now will talk diplomatically .

A person who knew that he was born all alone ,

Now tries to find a person to call his own.

A person to give him support during good or bad,

A person to be at their best when you are sad.

A person to give you all his attention or someone to be your friend.

And when a close one is far away from you,

You try to get too close to the person or too far away .

For such people who are close to your soul are hard to forget,

And all you can do is feel empty and regret,

The absence of them in this world full of humans.

These situations arise inspite of us knowing the fact

That we will die alone ,without any support to face the act.

Once you are gone ,everyone tries to retain your memory

For some these are painful to forget for others it is easy

You struggle your life to become the best ones

So that you are cherished in someone's life once

That is what i believe is the life's cycle

In which even I have been stuck and I try to break the chain

But when I try I have nothing but sorrows to gain .

- Manisha Kalia (A friend)

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