Monday, October 29, 2007

MOTHER !!! (dedicated to the most gorgeous HUMANE being on Earth - MOTHER !)

As I took the auto-rickshaw to return back to my room after another hectic day at Office, I saw this 12 year old kid sitting right in front of me. He was GAWKING at things in a WEIRD way, was laughing incessantly without any sane reason, BLURTING out GIBBERISH stuff at random intervals...In a way, he looked a bit LUNATIC to me...The rest of the people (in the auto-rickshaw) staring continually at him and suppressing their laughter over his STUPID and silly behavior just bore testimony to MY "SANE" observation (as I guess the child was not that YOUNG to laugh at almost anything, without any sane reason befitting a 12 year old)...In other words, almost agree one inside the auto-rickshaw (including me) had tacitly assumed that the child was inane, dyslexic and abnormal...except HER...

As the people inside tried to suppress their LAUGHTER and eschew making eye-contacts with HER (to avoid any kind of embarrassment), SHE held the BOY close to HER chest..SHE kissed the boy on his cheeks and caressed him - as if trying to protect him....SHE had that strong CONVICTION in her EYES that seemed to defy even those things that had been handed down to HER by MOTHER NATURE which was - HER CHILD'S MENTAL WEAKNESS...Still, she WAS BEHAVING as if HER CHILD was absolutely normal...and was DAMN CONFIDENT that HER CHILD was as good as any of those SMILING (NORMAL) faces in the auto....

In all this chaos, I could hear just one voice inside me:
"MOTHER...Thanks for BELIEVING in me !!!"

( :


Unknown said...

And now you are talking....

True, Wow, Aweesome, Stupendous, Subtle or lemmi see dictionnary for words that i can write for this. Writer is apt to the extent that one can't dare blink one's eyes.Subjectwise i would like to give kudos to the author. Getting such a vast measure of feelings and a mother from such a story seems like a poem or painting out of garbage.
Good work dude. Keep writing.
Its a real pleasure reading you.
Just need to keep up the good subjects like this.

silenteyes said...

This is wonderful, i bet!!
Mukul, you are rising..

EdwardLHM said...

Nice work BHAIA..

MAY This Blog Get u a (female) admirer... juz kiddin ...

nice work!!! ive also written a short one about my mother... ill mail it to next time...

Meenakshi Janga said...

i am literally falling short of words to praise you on this one....that was so very touching dude...!!! keep up the good work :)

Arun negi said...

this one sure is've expressed the whole drama very well... i could almost visualise it. This scene is very typical of india..i mean if someone is different from others people dont shy from staring and making them feel awkard. i guess the mother sensed the same and thats why gave a comforting kiss.

Anonymous said...

I read the blog in softalk this weekend.Its really very touching one.Though some of the words are passing above my head,but I could feel your sayings.Gr8 :-)

राम त्यागी said...

wow ..just one word on this ...Awesome !!