Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The cafeteria of my new office was under going renovation- that simply meant: almost every day you would notice a lil' bit of change in the cafeteria...

....Once, I went to the cafeteria and headed straight to the REGULAR store...I tried to scout for some (best possible) "HEALTHY" drink....Eventually, I bought "BADAM MILK" (flavored milk - BEST possible option in that store) after much analysis....I was quite proud over my smartness, as I had chosen the best possible and economical health drink in that store...I smugly started sipping it until my eyes CHANCED over a NEW STORE (which was inconspicuous to me until I bought the "MILK" from the "KNOWN" store) in the cafeteria with the LABEL - "FRESH FRUIT JUICE"...Guess what - SUDDENLY, the MILK turned sour !!!

Why does a BETTER deal (FLAVOURED MILK) almost always precedes (and hence PREMPTS) a BEST deal (Fresh Fruit juice) ?

Maybe, that's why they say - "BEST THINGS in life are for free"...So true, but you discover them only AFTER you've paid for a BETTER deal....

( :


Unknown said...

Very true.
BTW where did you learn the art of reaching such a morale from a story of a milk can?
Subtly, i find it pretty amazing that its not MIT like place that can teach us one or two, but every story has a morale and this one was amusing.

Subhadip Dutta said...


May be we are too short-sighted and complain almost about everything in life that we overlook the certainties that are of paramount importance. World's wittiest innovations are necessarily the handy-work of fellow geniuses who have succesfully looked into these certainties which are deemed to be NECESSARY but not cursory!

If you say NOTHING!...I will say "Scrap the 'NOTH' from the above typed cliche' and replace it by 'SOMETH' so that every NOTHING becomes your SOMETHING.

I would like to conclude in Stephen-ESQUE exuberence.

Happy Blogging,

Meenakshi Janga said...

Highly amusing and witty.
It didn dawn on me that the whole milk buisness would affect u like this :P
I liked it :}