Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let's fight against Murphy's Law but still love him !!!

Picture this:

I spend 6 hours straight analyzing a script (a computer program) and finally get some fruitful breakthrough after drinking some 15 cups of Tea...To share this with my client, I start typing out my email to client discussing (flaunting ?) about my "discovery"....I type down everything neatly...And finally, I press the SEND EMAIL button and watch with a sigh of relief in anticipation of a resulting "appreciation" email from Client...But then Lord Murpy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will") kicks in and I see the "Sorry, Web Mail server down" error message overwriting and destroying my prized email...whoossssh....If only computers had the "emotions" to understand the perspiration behind my hard work and value it rather than snubbing it with such a dumb error message....!!!

...And then I smile as I feel kinda proud of the fact I've already saved my email in a Microsoft word file. ("I knew this would happen" approach?) That means, irrespective of what happens to the Email server, my prized email remains safely stored in the word file. So, I can just anytime copy+paste that stuff and email to the client....

Can you actually believe that I faced the same situation while typing down this article on my Blog? Coz suddenly my PC loses connection to the Blogspot server...and....blah blah...(Maybe that's what prompted the shrewd Blogspot fellas to come up with "Auto SAVE" feature?)

Well, I guess that's just 1 way of fighting against Murphy's Law....

( :

P.S= > What if my PC crashes down too? Will the email be now recoverable too ? ( :

P.S. => I really admire Lord Murphy and his law...Coz they are damn so practical !!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:-) can understand what u want to say.. how true and common. these thoughts cross the mind even now with every "deliverable"..u know.. that anticipation of appreciation.. ha ha.. feels so good to see somebody walking down the same path that u once walked upon.. u tend to feel some kind of connection..