Thursday, August 16, 2007

Days of nullibicity

Days of nullibicity
Reading something everyday
To fulfill my inner quest
Thinking what I lack
When I possess everything
I ever cared about
Confusions soaking my mind
And every inch of me…
Drowning with it
Waking everyday with thoughts
Of what to do next
Shaken my existence
My presence on this poor soil
Regretting on what I could
Have done...
Is my daily deed
Burning within me
As a gleed
Keeping the spirits high
Dunno where to fly
To reach for ‘the’ star
Even if it seems so far….so far.

-Rashmi Kanchan Tete (A Friend)

Here's her blog:

1 comment:

Meenakshi Janga said...

I consider this poem as one of my favourites.Ive been thru this situation loadsa times.Well written ;]
*An appreciative round of applause*