Tuesday, August 28, 2007


After having written a testimonial for one of my friends on Orkut, I found it so fascinating that I couldn't resist the naive temptation to put it here :

Here's MY perception about her :
1) Quite precocious....Ever ready to give righteous yet plausible advices to friends, her matured pate is like a "MS SQL COMMAND INTERPRETER"...Type-in any of your QUERY and press ENTER...BINGO !
2) Indomitable spirit...This, I guess, is the "silver lining" about her personality - she loves to fight adversaries and takes challenges head-on with a veneer of smile on countenance !
3) Quite Humble...I have'nt ever seen her bragging about herself...atleast till now.. ( :
4) Impassioned about MUSIC, WORDS, CHOCOLATES and "PIZZA" - maybe it's high time that "PIZZA-HUT" ppl STOPPED their eternal "HUNT"... ( :
5) Ah yes - all of my aforesaid findings follow the famous "80:20 priciple". Perhaps 80% of my observations came from just 20% of actual results...(no offence intended plz) ( :

1 comment:

Meenakshi Janga said...

Do I hope in vain that one day you are gona write a similar COOL testi for me. :P haha
By the way it was good one.