Friday, October 24, 2008


I have put this awesome quote pasted on my office cubicle to inspire me when I'm "low"...-
"If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got!"


......Few days back, I was badly stuck in rectifying an error in a script (computer program)...I had struggled for hours to crack it....But NO RESULT...
After hours of frustration, I went for lunch to my Hotel room. Usually, I FOLLOWED the SAME PATH of going to and fro the hotel room...ONLY THIS time I took a DIFFERENT PATH to get back to my OFFICE CUBICLE....SURPRISINGLY, I was able to CRACK the BUG within the next 30 minutes...(after getting back to my cubicle from hotel)


.....In HINDSIGHT, I would like to add 1 more line to the aforesaid quote:

"Depends on you, how you CHANGE your PATH / METHOD to get the NEW result...!!!"


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