Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cooking Tips...Day 2...

In continuation with the below article....

Here you see:

Day : Sunday
Chef: Mr. Mukul Pandey
Meal Type: Lunch
Whats on table?
1) Vegetable Biryani (nicely garnished with fried egg)
2) Plain Yogurt
3) Salad (Cucumber garnished with Cilantro)
4) Mango Pickle

My definition of "Vegetable Biryani": Rice cooked nicely with Potato, Pea and Onion. I also added fried eggs to the aforesaid mixture to give a "new" taste...!! (I love eggs)...:)

1) Since I find Garlic tough to peel, I use Garlic mixture which comes in the form of cream here at US. It's better I guess since it blends nicely as it's like a cream!
2) Don't try to EXPERIMENT too much....Just buy PLAIN YOGURT...I once tried VANILLA YOGURT (my friend tried BANANA Yogurt)....None of us wants to recall that terrible taste now...:)

I frequently watch channel "Food Network" - to increase my "appetite"...Just Kidding....Infact, it's a good channel here as they give some really nice tips. Like: To avoid "crying" while peeling onions, use FROZEN ONIONS - that SLOWS down the chemical reaction which produces the gas that makes you CRY, when you cut them...

I still need to learn from some one (God knows who?) the easiest way of peeling onions, I find it tough...:)

Here's another view:


Anonymous said...

guess now u know why they say adversity can be a friend sometimes :) .. keep it up ..

~big bro

राम त्यागी said...

keep it ip