Thursday, September 20, 2007


I will never forget this zany but consistent ATM (of Bank 'X') in the complex that housed my office. No matter at which date/time/day you go, you'll always find either of these 2 EXHAUSTIVE conditions:
1) Either the ATM won't be working.
2) Or, you enter any amount less than 500 and you get this reply from the ATM Terminal:
"Please enter amount in multiples of 100 only !"
Tell me - Isn't 100,200,300 and 400 multiples of 100 ? Funny mathematics ! ( :

I used this ATM for around 1 year until my office location changed, what never changed in that 1 year were the aforesaid 2 conditions...

Co-incidentally, the BANK changed it's name (another of those stupid and futile MANAGEMENT subterfuges of tricking the customer) and came with this punch line:
"Everything is the same, except the name!"

I said (gawking at that ATM) - "HOW TRUE !!!"

( :


Unknown said...

Again a good one with full of wit and humour. Although Mr 'X' isn't even worth to be written or talked about, author has really made the whole read interesting...

How about a pretty girl as a subject next time Mr. Author?? :)

Rajeev .. said...

That,s incredible Dude !! Awesome observation , title of blog and lastly Data Hiding (:D sorry for OOPs paradigmn here , couldn't helpout ..) ...!!