Thursday, September 6, 2007

Who came first - Humans or Systems ?

One of the managers (a witty Singaporean woman) in my IT project, who looks after Database Management, once detected a serious mismatch between Production and UAT environment. This got her furious as the users had done testing on the WRONG environment ! So she quipped : "I guess Systems should react to Humans and not the other way round !!!"

I got bemused by this statement at first instance as I found it quite OBSCURE....

Few days later, the Database experts in my team got elated as the Database processes were working faster and efficiently THAT DAY. Incredibly : The Database team had no idea about this "increased efficiency" - as they had done ZILCH effort for the DESIRED effect ! However, they were just happy with the "good" OUTCOME....Suddenly - Pat comes the aforesaid MANAGER's retort:
"TEAM..You need to find out WHY the Database process is working so efficiently ?"....
One of the Database experts in my team got miffed by this..He grieved : "If the process is slow then it makes sense to find out why? But when it's working fast - do we really need to find out why ? Let it run fast - as long as it's good for us !"

After hearing this, I got the latent meaning behind the MANAGER'S pithy comment :
"Systems should REACT to humans and not the OTHER way round !!!".

I want to add just one more line to this : "Provided the SYSTEMS are ARTIFICIAL !!!"

( :

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