Sunday, September 30, 2007


I've observed a novel feature of Orkut: if you change any thing on your profile then all of your Orkut friends are intimated about it. But here's the CATCH - the URL section (under profile) is generally used for putting BLOG (or anything..let's say your website) on your profile, so what if I update my BLOG ? Will my 130 or so Orkut friends be notified about it - since I've changed my BLOG and the link is right there in my Orkut profile and hence EFFECTIVELY my profile has changed ??

On the flip side - if this IDEA is implemented then BLOGGERS will find that their EFFORTS in updating BLOGS won't go in vain, provided the URL LINK to their BLOG is present on their Orkut profile. After all, BLOGS are meant to be publicly seen, so BLOGGERS (like me) would appreciate if internet could enable BLOG CREATORS to add MORE VISIBILITY to their respective blogs..

Orkut designers - can you hear me ?

( :

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