Saturday, September 8, 2007


One of my chums advised me (he's a frequent visitor to my blog) to keep as terse articles on my blog as possible..I agree with him (as almost all good things come in small packages - don't know why we keep waiting incessantly for the BIG PACKAGES!) and hence have tried my level best to put as short/compact and pithy articles as possible...After all - almost everyone remembers only the first 15% of whatever is said/written...According to Edward De Bono - our brain tends to do as much LESS THINKING as possible..BRAIN'S FUNDA is to simplify life (and thinking!)....Hence, as a corollary - I guess the "effective grasping percentage" can be enhanced if only the verbose speech/writings could be shortened !

Food for thought for our Politicians ???

( :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Puttin words like "Politicians" is pretty derogatory in its own if it comes in a good blog like this.

Nice one again...